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Author:博沃管理员    Release time:2022-02-23 09:12:59

On December 7th, “BIONNOVA PROCESSING FOCUS CHINA 2021” was held in Shanghai, China. The summit, themed by “Deepen the layout of R&D and industrialization, and promote the upgrade of production technology”, is served as a feast for companies specialized in antibodies and vaccines in biopharmaceutical industry. 70+ industrial gurus and 1000+ leaders and experts are invited for the summit, sharing latest development of the industry and looking forward to the future. BravoBio, as a pioneer vaccine company, was invited and Manager of COVID-19 Project, Mr. Qin Mian, gave a keynote speech at the summit.


At [Vaccine Symposia], the participants had extensive communication and dialogues on latest research progress, technical routes and challenges in commercialization of COVID-19 vaccines. Mr. Qin gave a speech of “Development direction of next-generation COVID-19 vaccines”, and participated in the roundtable discussion on “Summarizing experience from COVID-19 pandemic, while looking into futures of vaccine industry”, sharing his opinions on the development and trends of vaccine industry, as well as international production and revenue models, etc.


At the summit, Mr. Qin also introduced the progress of vaccine development and research in BravoBio. He expressed the hope that more people could sustainably focus on the vaccine industry and expected BravoBio would make more breakthroughs to benefit the society in the long run.
